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Bible Reading Plans

In this section you can download many different Bible reading plans in PDF format which will be of great blessing to your life. 

Each plan is a door and a way by which we can gain access to Him who is the Door, the Way, the Truth and the Life. 
He is the only one who can give us words of grace and truth through the Scriptures. 
You can read or download a detailed description of all the reading plans here. 

May the Lord allow that our lives be among those blessed, influenced and transformed when we find delight in His law day and night. 
May our lives be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season and our leaf may never wither. 
That our experience may be as many men and women of faith who have preceded us and have found and eaten His word and have experienced great joy and rejoicing of heart because His name has been called upon them. Bible Reading Calendars Descriptions 

You can freely download and print these calendars but it is forbidden to publish them in whole or in part by any means without our written authorization, you can write to us at or

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